
A mother to Selina Barbara, a wife, homemaker and your typical employee in the FMCG industry. Before the arrival of our daughter, I was a mommy to my furry baby, Poepoe, who crossed the rainbow bridge at age 14. In my younger years, I was active in sports especially in bowling. I am a conscientious eater, and (though not perfect) I strive my best to contribute in making the environment better in time. 

Weeks post partum, I quickly realized the importance of sharing and knowing that you're not alone. This site initially came about after I gave birth to my daughter so I could take her with me during the highs and lows of our parenting journey, while reaching out to other working mothers who may be on the same boat as me. Juggling work with parenthood and marriage is no easy task especially for newbies like me. We ain't perfect mommas, but we try to improve day by day. 

Happy reading!


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